Submit a Bill

Submit a Bill to General Assembly!

Want to submit a bill to GA? Download our bill template below and submit it, then come visit us at the next General Assembly!

Please email the Executive Vice President of RHA, Nicholas Culley at if you have any questions or concerns.

Things to Remember:

  1. Be sure to put the date and time of when the GA meeting is scheduled to begin at the top in the header.
  2. Be sure to put the location of the GA meeting at the top in the header (usually Union Street Center C002 unless specified otherwise)
  3. Be sure to format your bill neatly. (Georgia/Times New Roman, 12pt. Font, Double Spaced)
  4. Remember to CAPS LOCK and bold your WHEREAS and Resolution statement at the beginning of each line.
  5. Press enter twice after your Resolution statement or budget (whichever is last)
  6. Be sure to submit your bill to the EVP by the day before GA at noon so that they are able to get back to you with any corrections needed to be made.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.