

The appointed RHA Directors are as follows:

  • Director of Communications
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Change & Engagement
  • Director of Sustainability
  • National Communications Coordinator

Director of Communications

Manages communications and recruiting effort of the organization. Position responsibilities may include:

  • Responsible for raising the awareness of RHA across campus.
  • Maintain an actualized and current calendar pertaining to both RHA and campus events.
  • Develop relationships with the IDS and other strategic partners on campus.
  • Maintain social media.
  • Assist the Vice President of Internal Affairs with the maintenance of the RHA Website.
  • Responsible for designing promotional materials (such as t-shirts, buttons, water bottles).
  • Responsible for any photography related needs, including photographic events and professional headshots of all RHA elected officials for the website.
  • Collaborate with the Director of Information and Assessment in order to develop strategies for engagement and recruitment of RHA members.
  • Work with the Vice President of Internal Affairs to draft public statements.
  • Provide guidance and training to in-center Directors of Communications (or similar roles).

Director of Finance

Become trained and formally serve as the student treasurer of all RHA financial accounts through appropriate systems.

  • Access all RHA accounts, review all transactions, and manage the RHA budget.
  • Work directly with the executives to ensure the financial sustainability of the many parts of the organization.
  • Chair the RHA Funding Board, working with the in-center student treasurers from each Residence Hall on campus to provide funding to student organizations. This board, with the consent of the center(s) involved may enact a funds transfer between in-center governments.

Director of Sustainability

Act as the primary force for enacting and progressing the sustainability of RHA and RPS. Potential responsibilities may include:

  • Report bi-weekly to the supervising Executive.
  • Promote sustainable efforts in the residence halls.
  • Convene and chair the Sustainability Committee.
  • Meet regularly with the Director of Sustainability and RPS Environmental Operations to establish a strong partnership and advocate for sustainable policies within the residence halls.
  • Perform biannual audits of RPS sustainability practices.
  • Assist in developing in-center legislation to address issues discovered in the audit.
  • Execute all sustainability initiatives enacted by the General Assembly.